My Kind Of Town

Today, we had our second clinical that will eventually get us out on the floor. But today we stayed in the lab and practiced taking vital signs. Here are some things I learned:

n I have a low average temperature

n Taking blood pressures is ridiculously hard, and I failed lots of times

n Gait belts are incredibly helpful in lifting patients out of chairs, and it makes them feel much more secure (if my feelings were any indication.)

n Dropping a patient is a real hazard.

Next Tuesday we are going to have our first day in the nursing home, just to get oriented to our surroundings. Then we are going back to the lab to practice dressing wounds of a simulation man.

Yesterday, because of MLKJ day, Andrew and I went to Chicago (which is only about 2.5-3 hours from here, depending on traffic.)

We had lots of fun up there, but I have blisters on my heels now. We found out that the Museum of Science and Industry is free on weekdays this month, so we went there. The exterior of that building is almost as interesting as the interior. They have one of the only replicas of the Porch of Maidens which originally appeared on the Erechtheum which is a Greek Temple on the north side of the Acropolis. It was repeated at least twice (Andrew and I didn’t go all the way around) and was absolutely beautiful!

I also found out that it had a few metopes from the Parthenon depicting the Gigantomachy, which are huge (I think about three-four feet square). I kind of felt like a little kid in a candy shop walking around it. ;)

Inside the museum, I also found out that I have at my disposal some excellent simulation men in the lab here at Purdue. There was one simulation man in the museum, and he was not nearly as realistic as the ones that I get to work on.

Back down town, we watched lots of trains, half-heartedly looked for the Lego store, and walked a lot. But then it started to rain, so we headed home. Overall, a great trip.

I also learned that the week starts so much better if I skip Mondays.

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